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Password Router

The password router is a router use to provide different state of passwords, for example forget password, reset password, etc.

  • POST /forgot_password
  • GET /password
  • POST password
  • POST /password/{token}
  • PUT /password

Setup the Password Service

To Setup the Password service, you will need to add all requirements to the object PasswordService:

from import PasswordService
from authx.backend import UsersRepo
from authx.core.jwt import JWTBackend

        repo = UsersRepo,
        auth_backend = JWTBackend,
        debug = True,
        base_url= "http://localhost:8000",
        site= "http://localhost:8000",
        recaptcha_secret = None,
        smtp_username= None,
        smtp_password= None,
        smtp_host= None,
        smtp_tls= None,
        display_name= "authx",

This one gonna help use to use the Password service, that we provide.

from authx import Authentication
from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()
auth = Authentication()

app.include_router(auth.password_router, prefix="/api/users")

Forgot Password

This is a POST request to /forgot_password that will send a request getting the Data(Login, Password) and IP address of the user, this one work only for accounts with a pre-configured password."/forgot_password", name="auth:forgot_password")
    async def forgot_password(*, request: Request):
        data = await request.json()
        ip =
        service = PasswordService()
        return await service.forgot_password(data, ip)

Now lets try to understand the concept that we have in service.forgot_password:

  • This one return a Response object, that we can use to send a response to the user.
  • If the user is not found, we will raise an HTTPException with the status code 404, we could get also 400 if the data is not valid or time is expired.
async def forgot_password(self, data: dict, ip: str) -> None:
            email = UserInForgotPassword(**data).email
        except ValidationError:
            raise HTTPException(400, detail=get_error_message("validation"))

        item = await self._repo.get_by_email(email)

        if item is None:
            raise HTTPException(404, detail=get_error_message("email not found"))

        if item.get("password") is None:
            raise HTTPException(406)

        id = item.get("id")

        if not await self._repo.is_password_reset_available(id):
            raise HTTPException(400, detail=get_error_message("reset before"))"forgot_password ip={ip} email={email}")

        token = create_random_string()
        token_hash = hash_string(token)

        await self._repo.set_password_reset_token(id, token_hash)

        email_client = self._create_email_client()
        await email_client.send_forgot_password_email(email, token)

        return None

Password Status

Using a GET Method to get the status of the password, based on the logged user.

@router.get("/password", name="auth:password_status")
    async def password_status(*, user: User = Depends(get_authenticated_user)):
        service = PasswordService(user)
        return await service.password_status()

This one gonna return a dict where the response gonna show up the status of the password.

Service.password_status will return a dict with the following keys:

async def password_status(self) -> dict:
        status = await self._repo.get_password_status(
        return {"status": status}

This one also relate to the UsersPasswordMixin Class.

Password Set

To Set a Password that require a POST request to /password that will send a request with the token and the new password, here we use as a parameter the request where we have the token and also the Authenticated User (Optional for Admins)."/password", name="auth:password_set")
    async def password_set(
        *, request: Request,
        user: User = Depends(get_authenticated_user)
        data = await request.json()
        service = PasswordService(user)
        return await service.password_set(data)

As always we use a Pre-configured Services (Service.password_set) where we have 2 ways to set the password.

  • First Example:
async def password_set(self, data: dict) -> None:
        item = await self._repo.get(
        return {
            "password": item.get("password") is not None,
            "provider": item.get("provider") is not None,
            "reset_available": await self._repo.is_password_reset_available(
  • Second Example:
async def password_set(self, data: dict) -> None:
        item = await self._repo.get(
        if item.get("provider") is not None and item.get("password") is None:
            user_model = self._validate_user_model(UserInSetPassword, data)
            password_hash = get_password_hash(user_model.password1)
            await self._repo.set_password(, password_hash)
            return None
            raise HTTPException(400, get_error_message("password already exists"))

Both of them gonna return a Response object, that we can use to send a response to the user.

Password Reset

Reset the password using a POST request to /password/{token} that will send a request with the new password, here we use as a parameter the request and a string token.
    async def password_reset(*, token: str, request: Request):
        data = await request.json()
        service = PasswordService()
        return await service.password_reset(data, token)

To reset the password we pass data under this format:

data: {password1: "password", password2: "password"}

with the token that we have in the forgot_password request, to validate and reset the password.

async def password_reset(self, data: dict, token: str) -> None:
        token_hash = hash_string(token)

        id = await self._repo.get_id_for_password_reset(token_hash)
        if id is None:
            raise HTTPException(404)

        user_model = self._validate_user_model(UserInSetPassword, data)

        password_hash = get_password_hash(user_model.password1)
        await self._repo.set_password(id, password_hash)

        return None


You could get the HTTPException if:

* `404` : The token is not found.
* `400` : Token Validation Error.

Password Change

After Passing all this steps, Now we can use PUT to change the password of the user, this one will send a request with the new password, here we use as a parameter the request and User (Defaults to Depends get_authenticated_user).

@router.put("/password", name="auth:password_change")
    async def password_change(
        *, request: Request, user: User = Depends(get_authenticated_user)
        data = await request.json()
        service = PasswordService(user)
        return await service.password_change(data)

    return router

Equivalent to password_set but with the PUT request, we pass the data under the same format.

async def password_change(self, data: dict) -> None:
        user_model = self._validate_user_model(UserInChangePassword, data)
        item = await self._repo.get(

        if not verify_password(user_model.old_password, item.get("password")):
            raise HTTPException(400, detail=get_error_message("password invalid"))

        password_hash = get_password_hash(user_model.password1)
        await self._repo.set_password(, password_hash)
        return None


You could get the HTTPException if:

* `404` : The token is not found.
* `400` : Token Validation Error.